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Meet the girl behind the camera


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yellowstone elopement photographer

Hi! I’m Tiana!

Elopement Photographer based out of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

I’m an adventure lover, dog mom, Christ Follower, and creator. I love exploring the American West, but more than anything else, I love spending time with my family and friends.

My photography journey began in my early teens but it was in 2018 that I really fell in love with it as an art form. I actually started learning photography because I wanted to get into cinematography. Well, I found that I really enjoy still photos. I love the memories a photo can capture and the creativity of the process.

Some random facts about me:

  • Panda Express is my favorite takeout food

  • I want to through-hike the PCT one day

  • I spent my teens and early 20’s studying Costume Design and worked on dozens of short films, several theatre productions, and one feature film

  • I’ll take a camping road trip over a luxury vacation any day

  • I was a theatre kid in my teens and will quote Phantom of the Opera any chance I get

Idaho elopement photographer
Idaho elopement photographer

Meet Newkirk

German Shepherd, pro frisbee catcher, hiking buddy

This is Newkirk, my 4 year old German Shepherd. He’s technically all grown up, but I still call him my “puppy baby”. He could chase his frisbee all day long and still have energy, he loves hiking, and he’s never far from my side.

In 2020 I decided to make my dream of owning a dog come true. I had no idea what I was doing when I brought him home, but I eventually learned how to work with his high drive and now he’s my constant companion!

What’s it like to have me follow you around with my camera?

Honestly, you will probably forget I’m even there. I have the magical gift of stealth. It used to be the bane of my exitance, but now it’s my superpower because it’ll allow you to be allow you to live fully in the moment while I capture every last adorable moment candidly.

You’ll have space to be yourselves and for your personalities to shine. I’m all about creating a fun, natural atmosphere and I’ll give you enough instruction so you always know what to do with those darn hands.

I’m a details girl, and after working in film where my job was literally to make sure every hair was in the right place, I do the same thing with each of my couples. I’ll make sure you look amazing in every photo!

An expert on All Things Adventure

There are few things I’d rather do than spend time outdoors and explore. Whether it’s hiking, backpacking, road tripping, or snowshoeing, I love getting outside all year round.

Before I started documenting love stories, I did a ton of landscape photography. I’m lucky to have called the PNW home my entire life, and I’m so in love with this part of the country! It’s filled with so much beauty and I’m so grateful to have so many opportunities to explore it.

My friends will gladly tell you I’m the person to go to if you need hiking or travel recommendations. I love trip planning and always come prepared for every adventure with the 10 essentials, bear spray, and downloaded maps.

A Washington Native and an Idaho Local

I was born and raised in Western Washington (about 20 miles north of Seattle) and spent the first 21 years of my life calling the Washington home. In 2018, I moved to the beautiful North Idaho, which is where I currently call home.

Being a local means I can provide expert guidance throughout the region. Whether you’re looking for the best views or the best place to eat, I can recommend some of the best spots around!

Coeur d'Alene wedding and elopement photographer

A Lifelong Storyteller

My background is in storytelling and filmmaking. I spent my teens and early twenties studying Screenwriting and Costume Design and worked on dozens of short films, theatre productions, and a feature film that was made right here in Idaho!

Storytelling has always been important to me. Even though most of my time perusing filmmaking was in the wardrobe department, what I realized was actually the most important to me was telling a meaningful story.

Now as a photographer, I get to tell the most important stories of all: love stories. Every couple has a unique story, and I love getting to come alongside my couples to get to know them, their personalities, and to document their stories to preserve them forever.

My background in film has been a huge influence in my photography style. I find so much inspiration in movies and analog film. I strive to capture stories in a way that is sentimental, beautiful, and fit for the silver screen.

Inspired by Nostalgia

My parents document my entire childhood through photographs and video. Growing up, my siblings and I loved going through our photo albums and video cassette tapes. It wasn’t long before we started creating our own home movies, which was a big reason I became interested in film making later on.

I still enjoy going through these photos and films. There’s something so special about being able to go through photos from a season that’s past. It’s almost like going back in time, just for a moment.

I’m an incredibly nostalgic person. Maybe it’s because I’m a 90’s baby, or maybe it’s because I’ve had my entire life documented. But I find nostalgia to be a big driving force in what I do.

I don’t just want to capture photos. I want to capture the moment. I want to help couples remember.

Money will come and go. Experiences don’t last forever. But memories? Those you keep with you forever.

Idaho couples photographer
Idaho wedding photographer

Keep on Exploring…

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